ルキナ(FE)のタグが付いたイラスト。 240ページ目

12990 件


One of my dearest friends gave me awakening to play and I'ved loved the series ever since. A lot of the art I've made has been merch--so my local conventions know me as the fire emblem girl LOL

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I didn't play Awakening til 2018 but there were so many characters who were both easy to love and fun to draw the game basically kept me hostage until 3H was released. Even now, there are still some Awakening things that I'd like to find time for...

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Fire Emblem is the only franchise I've gotten into that wasn't recommended to me by anyone. I did this to myself LOL. I'd been playing Ike and Marth in Brawl, so I picked up Shadow Dragon when it came out (along with Path of Radiance) and the rest is history :)

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i haven't drawn that much FE art but it's been a favourite series of mine for a long time!

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I started playing Awakening in highschool and fell in love with everything it had to offer. Since, I've played through Fates, SoV, and 3H, and I'm working through the GBA games as well. Nothing has inspired me more to draw than this series, and I love it dearly. ☺️💕

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I was first introduced to the series with Radiant Dawn as a birthday gift from my now brother-in-law, but it was Awakening that really made me fall in love with the series as a whole and I’ve been lost to it ever since😊It’s really helped in my growth as an artist 💜

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If it weren’t for Fire Emblem, I would never met a lot of lovely people and made friends with them :D

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Here are some old artwork I’ve done.

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I randomly decided to download FEH one day and for the next few years I got really into fire emblem :')

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This account probably wouldn't exist were it not for FE and it's dedicated community of artists! Thank you for continuously pushing me to improve and create more art!

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Started with Awakening and I've been attached to the series ever since!! Here's some style progression with Lucina because she's still my fav 💙

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wanted to join in the tag- fe awakening, and specifically chrom and robin, have given me so much inspiration and motivation to draw and to want to improve to better portray all the things i love about their story, bond, and family 💕

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It has come to my attention that I draw OCs more than I draw fanart. But when I don't, I try my best to make it a banger.

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i will never forget the moment i fell in love with robin on first sight and bought awakening and 3ds on the same day....😭 thank you robin fire emblem for introducing me to this wonderful franchise

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My first FE was Awakening, after hearing Conquest I was instantly hooked. Kozaki Yusuke-sensei was my inspiration and pushed me to draw more, so I'm indebted to Fire Emblem for all it has done for me. These are some old arts/comms

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i saw everyone sharing their work with and i think it's such a good idea! here's some recent fire emblem art that i've done that i'm really satisfied with! :>

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All I have is old stuff but I thought I would get in on the fun

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I know there's a big part of the FE fanbase that regrets what the 3DS games did, but I don't think we'd still have FE if they didn't happen. I wasn't even sure I'd play Awakening until my girlfriend gifted it to me!

Those two games are always gonna be special to me.

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remember when i started awakening on a whim? now it's taken over my entire life. im slowly working through the modern games, im hoping to go back and play the rest!

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Fire Emblem has some of the best girls, always love art!

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Fire emblem fans are the best and their enthusiasm makes me want to do more art of the characters I love I have way too many pieces to choose from 🔥🗡

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FE Awakening was my first FE game, followed by Fates, Echoes & 3Houses. Lucina is the one that started it all on this journey, and I am forever grateful for helping me in hard times, meeting new people, improving my art... It's been a fun ride.

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A handful of some of me Fire emblem works since i discovered Awakening!

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Posting some older art for the tag! It's a lot of Lucina because I love her!

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