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#うさぎ好きさんと繋がりたい https://t.co/uM4awjWqTa
すみっコアルバムに写真が増えました!みんなもいっしょにパズルですみっこにでかけよう♪ #すみっコぐらし #パズルをするんです
Special thanks to https://t.co/S8IjShPAfX & @AxieInfinity for crowning my video a winner in their content contest! These Mystic & Origin Axie are stunning prizes. If you haven’t seen the video on this #PlaytoEarn video #game check the link below. 💰
그저 그림그릴뿐인 요우무 신도입니다,,,
장르가림 없고 지뢰도 딱히 없습니다!
사담도 많이하오니 흔적 남겨주시면
마음맞는분 무멘팔로 찾아갑니다-☆
부디 많이 찔러주십쇼..!
Hi! I wanted to draw this for some time ago!
this scene is part of Toronja's story.
His mother has always wanted to raise him waiting that he could take care of others, that power is temporary.
#digital #art #original #character #painting #war #flower #childhood #death
Actually since I got super curious with this question today, I actually want to know what do you like about the Smash Bros series?
Also I would like to know what are your top 5 favorite and worst characters (not just your main(s)) moves in Smash Ultimate?
すみっコアルバムに写真が増えました!みんなもいっしょにパズルですみっこにでかけよう♪ #すみっコぐらし #パズルをするんです
有沢 ゆう希 さんの著書がAmazonランキングのTOP1000にランクインしました。
すみっコぐらしのことわざ108 (講談社KK文庫)