原神のタグが付いたイラスト。 330ページ目

1068185 件


HBD ย้อนหลังนะไอต้าว ปีนี้ขอให้เจอแต่เรื่องดีๆ ไม่มีคนเอาขนมหวานให้กินนะ จากมัมหมี /จ๊วฟ 😘

16 66


3 35

kawanbabu | Biding my warmest hello to everyone who see this post wherever you are, I’m offering a friendship currently maining Kazuha and Ganyu, using He/They as my pronouns if that’s matter. Basic DNI, homophobic and minor DNI. Xianyun wanters get freepass.

0 2


34 305


1 7

Babu! Ngaku aja kamu aslinya nutupin botak kan dibalik topi itu

12 150

tehe! mau nanya dongg aku baru pertama kali (bakal) punya seelie. kalo aku main klee, cakepnya pake seelie apa ya 🥺

0 2


0 0

良タグ!! 長身イケメンキャラで便乗しま~す

21 71

Life could be a dream
If I could take you to a paradise up above
If you will tell me I'm the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart, hello, hello again
And hopin' we'll meet again 💐🩵

385 2869

KALAU KETIK HMU BISA MASUK ANGIN⁉️😱😱 alias sender lagi menjalankan misi menjadi kipas!. Hai halooo, sender sedang mencari kawanbabu untuk meramaikan tl sender. Sender ava bu Faru dengan pronouns she/her, akun sender aman-aman aja~ homophobic dni ya :3

0 5

Evening travelers! I'm in search of companionship a.k.a genshinmoots that will fill my dusty timeline. I go by they/them and I use the knave as my pfp. Anyway I prefer the ones with small acc since I am selective, just reply below to befriend me! Minor & homophobic dni please.

0 1

セノナリ / ⚖️🍄

153 1195

art! halo haloo, ada yang mau temenan sama art acc baru netas? Mostly gambar tentang genshin, especially ☂️ ! kadang juga post beberapa rkgk

— First Art of the Year :D

5 81


100 908

マーキング長めサンプル | k4m https://t.co/4pKYZNxuNS
🐯 https://t.co/l8VljXtLvp
🅱️ https://t.co/dJrCnaFOHZ


122 1090


1687 11335


377 3760

me when i draw normal things vs me when i draw corn

114 3285