古見さんは、コミュ症です。のタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

6731 件


関連タグ: 長名なじみ 古見硝子



SHOWROOMでコメントした古見硝子(こみしょうこ)↓ こんなキャラ。似てると思ったんだけどなぁ…🤔ウーン

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😅 gracias en serio lo aprecio mucho, y en serio me tomo por sorpresa tu cumple😄

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🎉🎉happy birthday
Dear 幼名なじみ🎉🎉


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Oii, então, ainda to meio que começando nesse mundo da arte, ai eu comecei com as pixel arts.

Estou meio parado por um tempo, mas planejo continuar nesse rumo e expandir meus horizontes para o desenho tradicional.

Aos que podem gostar, fico lisonjeado <3

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Today is the That's why I painted trans flags with canonical trans characters, Saiki in the manga is a trans boy and Najimi is Najimi therefore they is non-binary 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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A lot of you say to me that you wish you were as cool as me...

but a lot of the time, I just want to be as cool as YOU are 🫠😶‍🌫️

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Me: hehehe I haven’t seen my boss since I got here now I can be a gremlin on my break-
Boss: [Mags] did you just go on break?
Me, who didn’t see her come from behind:

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Postea 4 personajes con los que te identifiques y deja que la gente asuma cosas de ti: https://t.co/08nvfDD2PQ

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Thank you all so much for the 200 follows and all the support that's been sent my way, I really got emotional after all the kind words that people said to me. I hope we can all stay a little safer at conventions.

Here's an art of Komi I made for this con, with added feelings 🥹

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Post 4 characters you relate to and let people make assumptions about you. 🎃

Futaba from P5
Cinamon from Rune Factory Frontier
Clorica from Rune Factory 4 https://t.co/UpnFl208cP

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ส่วนสายผลิตที่พึ่งเคยเจอกันและเพื่อนสายผลิตที่แวะเวียนกันมาทักทายกัน ขอบคุณ​นะคะ💕

ปล.1 ส่วนลูกค้าที่รองานออนไลน์​รอพี่เราทำของเพิ่มก่อนนะคะ เดี๋ยว​จะรีบมาลงขายงับ
ปล.2 โดนสายผลิตในงานนี้ตกไปเยอะเหมือนกัน ออกบูธเองล้มละลายกันเอง

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無限の住人は尸良と蒔絵が一番人気あった https://t.co/K7OJNxoYEg

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