右代宮楼座のタグが付いたイラスト。 23ページ目

1218 件


It's so sad!
Rosa has no crying sprites, so I have to use the one I made.

1 4

이야아아~ 마마토 잇쇼가 이이~~

125 448

I'll never be able to top that Natsuhi. I planned on redrawing the picture it's from. I'll have to keep that random wonky Nappi. It's iconic.

0 3

과제가 안끝나
왜 안끝나
다 찢어버리고 시펑

0 8

the crossover nobody wanted but everyone needs

5 8

ㅇㅣ것도 한번 그려봐야 하는데

11 68

He can stay in there, too. He's not allowed at the Halloween party. Rudolf needs a face first.

0 0

Why did you save him?????????

0 1

I draw too many Rosa pictures? Fine, I'll put five versions of Rosa in one picture + a wolf Maria.

Never enough. I will supply the depraved world with Rosa. Canon or no.

19 80

This expression is.... hard to replicate.

1 23

로자 이표정 존나 악당같애

14 112

I have enough colored but not shaded Rosa to fill a post.

11 38

Lindas cores para um lindo corpo.

Curtiram os tons?

Nozoki Ana

2 3

It looks silly and cute!
I like drawing it, too.

0 1

Working on this banner art is suffering.

2 21


9 14

I'm trying my best with these and I *think* I'm getting better with it. It's really nerve-wracking to try and copy a style for so long.
Uh, I don't want to directly plug myself, so er, I post the full pictures on my RP account.

12 44

Do not bite my head anymore.

0 1

로자가 애기가 됐어!!!!!
첫번째처럼 그리기 수련간다

29 120

I think I'd rather help her as a friend.

0 1