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Sexy Saori Kido 4 by Carlos Lam Reyes / ale-mangekyo
#SaintSeiya #聖闘士星矢 #沙織
Parejas Favoritas Del #Anime según yo | Parte 3
@Multi_Anime @FamiliaOtaku13 @Un_mundo_otaku @vaquerosanimax @MarcosLoquendo @DavidGregorio27 @ManuelH84670868
#ParejasDelAnime #CaptainTsubasa #KaichouWaMaidSama #FullmetalAlchemist #SaintSeiya #DiaDeSanValentin #SanValentin2022
El día de hoy, 14 de febrero, se conmemora el cumpleaños de Valentine de Harpy. ♒
¡Feliz cumpleaños! 🥳
Y también el aniversario del quinto largometraje de la franquicia, Saint Seiya ~overture~ de 2004. 🥳
Feliz día del amor!!💝🍫
O filme Saint Seiya Tenkai-hen: Josô Overture (Prólogo do Céu) comemora hoje 18 anos do seu lançamento nos cinemas japoneses!
Valentine Day ♥️ With Saint Seiya on @CNebulaire
#seiya #saori #Athena
#聖闘士星矢 #leschevaliersduzodiaque
#oscavaleirosdelzodiaco #KnightsOfTheZodiac
"Tu n'as pas à demander pardon. Je me bats à tes côtés non pas par devoir mais par choix".
Le film Tenkai-hen Josô~Overture fête ses 18 ans ! La date ne doit rien au hasard : histoire centrée sur le couple Saori/Seiya pour la St Valentin.
@ArchivesCels Ep.16 is one of my favorites!
I love the screenplay of this episode and the camera work on the scenes just like only Morishita could do; it's a pity (for me) that Araki & Himeno were afterwards mostly teamed with Yamauchi and never got scenes like these again...
Super orgulloso de tod@s en @the_hakuren que hoy estrenan una de las cartas de amor y esfuerzo más grande que va a tener #SaintSeiya
Good thing it was just a bug, Seiya is really there to hold his girl 🤭❤️ https://t.co/P1JWXwWEnv
Art of my DnD OC, Pollux. They are very precious to me and I care them. https://t.co/TfuA55UZ27 Here’s a process video, if you want it with cool music. #art #dndart #dnd5e #circleofthestars #dnddruid
Saori Maid by Carlos Lam Reyes / ale-mangekyo / Akriel https://t.co/VcKs4pET5y
#SaintSeiya #聖闘士星矢 #沙織 #pegasusseiya #星矢
元旦の朝こそ大事な人と、のんびりしましょ🥰 | M #pixiv https://t.co/20L1uy1kho
#SaintSeiya #聖闘士星矢 #pegasusseiya #星矢
@milkcocoa0704 @bokegami ヒロインは3大誘拐されやすい女
プリンセス プリンプリン(魔界村)
@seththebaddie @MasterDan @Majin_Asura There's also some green it. But I'm always fascinated by the manga colors as they constantly change. Examples:
Favorite cuts from #EP11 😌