大木大樹のタグが付いたイラスト。 15ページ目

488 件


If we believe hard enough we can make this come true!!! STONE SQUAD ✨

5 14


4 18


1 2

no joke dr stone taught me how to draw nature (thx boichi)

19 40

Ep 3. “Weapons of Science”. 7/19

0 3

Love the Dr. STONE anime? There's a ten billion percent chance you'll love the manga too! Read the entire series for just $1.99 a month! https://t.co/nvJB6NzbDy

144 1502


2 9

I didn't know science can be so useful before watching Dr stone. Okay let's be honest I'm dumb and I don't like science but I like this anine

0 10

Giving a shot.

I’m a multimedia arts student who also blogs about anime! I use for drawing and I mostly draw characters of varying sizes.

0 1


Big oaf is a lovable guy even though he doesn't use his brain sometimes.

2 3

i keep thinkin about senku...

0 0

ニコ動dアニメストア 第1話。
素晴らしく面白い。石神千空 CV が「ゼロから」と言ったように、ゼロから始める科学文明生活。大木大樹 CV と男子2人のアダムとイヴ。
アニメ制作は名門 演出の

0 2

Dr.STONE 1話。めっちゃ面白い。テンポ良すぎ(笑)三千年以上も意識保っていられるとは化け物だな。デカブツが復活するのを頭いい方が予測してた理由が全く論理的でないのが熱い。生き残るだけじゃなくて文明を再びっていう切り口も斬新だ。

2 38

Dr.STONE良かった!! 原作面白いからアニメも楽しい。絵が綺麗! 

3 6


2 18

Dr. STONE digital manga sale! Read the manga before the anime comes out! https://t.co/OF70e53UVm

34 170

What I sleep on vs what y’all sleep on

24 57

Guess which picture below never had chemistry

4 20

Dr. Stone got some of the cleanest color spreads in shounen right now💯

13 26

I'm ivan, want to make a manga eventually 😁

1 3

I'm ivan, loving the art threads 😊

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