HELLOOO, im looking for more kawanbabu and COOP BUDDIES!! i go by she/they as my pronouns and yoimiya main, ar60! 💥‼️ i'm also a MEME COLLECTOR JADI AYO TUKERAN MEME JELEK!! rep anything and i'll hyu, future moots! ⭐️___⭐️
Greetings and good evening! With tomorrow being the Lantern Rite celebration, I'm on a quest to forge new connections in kawanbabu. During coop activities, I explore your world map and capturing photos in scenic spots. Would you like to create a Lantern Rite memory (cont..)
hellaaur, my soon-to-be kawanbabu :3 aku lagi ada misi nih nyari temen sebanyak-banyaknya, so aku minta tolong, dong, jadi temen aku, yaaa? nanti kalau misinya udah completed, nanti kita bagi hasil. fyi kalau kamu kepo, aku ar 57 with yanfei—my lovely pyro queen—as (cont..)