//=time() ?>
2020-03-21 23:00:02.236753
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: 庄司二号
Image: https://t.co/DvGQnersxl
とらドラ!の 亜美!嫁に来いよ! な漫画を描きました #漫画 #とらドラ! #川嶋亜美 #高須竜児 https://t.co/fAdeGHDtOk
If I was to host a Perverted Podcast I would call it "Bush or Barren", where we discuss the concept of a fictional character's need or lack of southern grooming. Speculative based on personality and canon clues/research of the source material.
今、俺妹を今さら見たのだが、他作とは違い余計な虚無感もなく、糞エンディングも無くとても良い作品と言う印象を受けた。 #俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない #心が叫びたがってるんだ #とらドラ #良作 #アニメ
ふぅ、とらドラ5話まで見たぞい!今日はここまでにしよう。かわしまあみが登場しOPEDに出てるキャラが出揃った感じじゃな。キャラデザはすき(*‘ω‘ *)
Post your top 4 anime and ask your followers if you have taste https://t.co/g8hPjZYovm
Post your top 4 animes and ask your followers if you have taste. https://t.co/uNkqWBAdH7
I know that as soon as I put LL in there all of my respect goes put the window but damn does it make me feel some kind of way.... Also this isn't super accurate cause my monkey brain can't think right now https://t.co/jBcEohoHVL