弓塚さつきのタグが付いたイラスト。 19ページ目

1690 件


Thank you to everyone who has followed me and showed support to my drawings

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2 10

りく隊長さん‼️お疲れ様🍺😆💕乾杯です 美味しそうです(о'¬'о)ジュルリ

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月姫 弓塚さつき

144 397

How it feels whenever I post something

30 218


328 992

like, I only read the description and thought "the hell's a melty" and went to search for the character, not only did I find a crazy as hell Satsuki, but a Vampire Shiki (hukusyuki) and Ciel, and downloaded them thinking they were cool as hell OCs

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Meal tiiime lets gooooooo almost out of here!!!!

1 13

ざ・よく描く元気っ子って感じになりましたよね( ˘ω˘ )

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Sacchin doesn't know what to say.

27 64

satsuki mains:
-they only play her because of her mixups, don’t lie

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blushed cheeks added 6 hours later orz

2 10

Have some special Valentines cards and remember to use them well❤️💕♥️💖

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