戦刃むくろのタグが付いたイラスト。 9ページ目

1457 件


"Junko taught me that, how to get anyone you wanted to take you out on a date."

"As for why you... Well, uh... Girls secret?"

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Well even with Ibuki being... the energetic girl Mukuro knew she was, she was still caught a bit off guard by the sudden game of Tag she found herself in. Quickly she took off in a sprint towards Ibuki. She was fast, but Mukuro had the benefit of being a soldier!

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Have we ever figured out IF what?

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"I mean the entire world would disagree with you. But..."

Mukuro wrapped her arms around Tsumugis left arm, pulling it against her chest.

"I think between the two of us you are far more beautiful, you cant change my mind. But you can take me on a date~"

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"You don't give yourself enough credit Tsumugi. I am plain, if it was not for my talent I would be like any other regular girl. You have a natural beauty that I just don't."

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"Huh? What is the best way to stay warm?"

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"You are really cute, never forget that Tsumugi."

She broke the silence, ope.

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"Even hope-filled you are still the same Junko I know and love."

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"Ah, I see. It gets hard to keep track of everything sometimes, ya know?"

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"Why is everyone talking about being worms and stuff?"

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// Lmao I remember why I never did this, the knife sprites dont fit right so I got to move Mukuro the right a bit, but idk I think it works here, not centered but it works https://t.co/dNwXZFVny4

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// Dont mind me just testing new sprite stuff

Thinned up the width and adjusted the background to compensate, I kinda like this but am a bit on edge on it still

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I've missed drawing Mukuro

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Influences in designs,
Yuki and Yuri are base on Junko Enoshima!
Ofc going in to detail on why I chose the design would be a spoiler for THH so be warn.

Basically I wanted to express the idea of Yuki and Yuri view of the world.

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Mukuro my beloved soldier

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// Now that images have changed on twitter I am experimenting with changing to a more square-set instead of my usual ones.

Unsure if I will do it tho

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