//=time() ?>
今日のお絵かきの時間終わり!空に冬っぽい雲を足して左の建物の石垣をリニューアル😁画面真ん中に蓮を足しました😝去年のりおんの絵(2枚目)と比べたら今の絵の方がキャンバス広く見えるよね😃✨✨(それだけ色々描いてるってことかな!?)このまま頑張っていきたいね! #半妖の夜叉姫
No but like their love story is so beautiful bc Kagome wasn't even trying to change inuyasha she was just nice to him when no one else was and they became best friends who couldn't help but fall in love
Kagome and Moroha, with the same way of hugging Inuyasha <3
#Ritowa Because of Rumkio's influence in the manga. In her huge moments b4 the relationship got romantic/a confession/feelings came there was a moment where 1 person cared 4 their wounded love interest.
I think Towa will care for wounded Riku feelings will start 2 develop.
Kagome: It's okay to be light sometimes. I want to to laugh and be happy. I don't know what I might be able to do, but... I'll always be with you.
Inuyasha: https://t.co/oAFci9Rn6f
代瀬鳰 2022. 12月分 1
さっきまですっかり忘れてて月跨いだどころか年明けちゃってマスヨネ( ˙꒳˙ ) 1年の最後の月にシマらないポンコツw
今日のお絵かきの時間終わり!池の手前に砂利を敷いて、水仙登場です😁色合いも冬仕様に❄(前々回の2枚目と比べてみて!夏から冬に変わってまぁす🤗)背景描き始めた時の水仙をサルベージ(3枚目参照)この頃から比べたらめっちゃ頑張ってるよね😆✨✨素晴らしい👍 #半妖の夜叉姫
No entiendo xq las comparan si se ven diferentes : estilo y color de cabello , estilo de ojos . No veo parecido entre ellas