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拡散力低いんでRTで広めていただけると助かります https://t.co/2NNCOdobZM
HELLO!!(何度聴いても最高の曲、アイドルマスターDSの主題曲)、ベースの音がめちゃくちゃいい 太くて存在感があってちょっと硬い、上らへんが硬い 弦の擦れるキシって音がほんの少しだけ残されててウォームな中でバシッと締まる これだよこれみたいな
765のサブスク、GRE@TEST BESTが配信されるのね(^^)
i saw HELLO!! being up there as part of the GRE@TEST HITS album so i cam to my conclusion...............when will u add the rest of the 876 songs on streaming
Just found out about these and it's so good
Thank you starlit season for doing one thing well
엄마가 최종보스...
기시감이 느껴진다 했더니 그거다,
아이돌마스터 디어리 스타즈다...
(선택 가능한 주인공 히다카 아이루트 최종보스가 재 데뷔한 전설의 아이돌 히다카 마이,즉 아이의 엄마. 아이<>마이) https://t.co/jk2Mw68VkX
if you were to tell a new imas fan that this girl got a GO SHIINA composed image song and delivered the one of the most raw vocal performances idolm@ster has ever had i think they would think you were insane
@9tct6 ちなみに流れはこう、最後の4枚目に映ってる二人が当時DSで一緒だった子達ですね
The two of them merge into a mysterious alien form to fight the invading creatures and pose as twin sisters in their everyday life. As Hikaru gets Tsubasa out of her shell she helps her navigate grief, build bonds with others, and teaches her to love herself.