朽木ルキアのタグが付いたイラスト。 244ページ目

12951 件


What anime defined your teen years?

I watched a lot but these ones were the ones I was super into back then....especially naruto https://t.co/eCDLhYiwK8

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When I really discovered what anime was around 16 I branched into good stuff. https://t.co/ow3u4HEti7

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Some Rukia to brighten the time line

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What anime defined your teen years?

probably those.. yeah https://t.co/7h38gUxedm

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What four anime defined your teen years?

I know, I'm basic lol https://t.co/Di466GCs66

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What anime defined your teenage years? The big four between the ages of 16-19 for me https://t.co/APlz6pHsTo

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・ボッチくんシリーズ ラバーマスコット 全6種




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What four anime defined your teen years?

This was hard to narrow down 😭 https://t.co/OSgCvSGdBS

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So hallow mask rukia? I know it sounds ridiculous but why not. We have Naruto what if storys. Why not what if rukia was hallowfied.

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Four anime that defined my teen years. I've had trash taste since 2006. (also really bummed it's only 4. Haruhi, Naruto, One Piece, Sailor Moon, and FMA:B were also important to my teen years) https://t.co/OfixBtqXSP

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"What 4 anime defined your teen years?"

Teenage me had a very clear and obvious taste in anime lol https://t.co/ujGAze9WDv

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What anime defined your teenage years?

Went with my high school choices https://t.co/8wdBXaktVB

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Drawing at 16 // Drawing now

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Me and my neverending quest to find a painterly semi-lineless style I actually like

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What anime defined your teenage years?

God blasts from the past. https://t.co/iT5cU2pJ7T

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Anime that defined my teenage years.... My Hero just barely making it in https://t.co/uhqLY1J8U9

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What anime defined your teenage years?

🤣🤣🤣 I think r these 4? LMAOO I remembering reading much more manga then watching tbh https://t.co/qxBoczIln7

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