松山ダリアのタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

1837 件


하도 텀을 많이두고 그렸더니 그릴때마다 인상이 달라짐

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I hope for the next round of relation event we'll go back to unit event and they give us SaoMari, DaliRika, TsubaHiiro & AoNagi. I need more of the rarest M4 & rondo pairings.. I'm sad they don't interact that much or have more cards together when they have so much potential 🥹🙏

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TVアニメ『D4DJ All Mix』 第3話あらすじと先行カットを公開!1月27日(金)23時~放送! https://t.co/5qIgCFBNJB

11 20


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Photon Maiden - 4 Challenges
Merm4id - High Tension BPM

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みんなの3rd Singleのジャケットに似ていますね

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while i do agree d4dj's card art has been improving theres something that hits different with early d4dj art

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"they're sexualized", "they're strippers" they aren't.

if the first thing you think about when you see women wearing beach outfits is that they're strippers who sexualize themselves, this says a lot about you.

3 43

自分の趣味の話出来て偉いじゃん オタク君

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Why Matsuyama Dalia is the perfect romanceable option in a dating sim:

Matsuyama Dalia is one of the members of Merm4id who throughout many of her appearances in story has shown a lot of admirable qualities that cements her as a loving partner.
in this essay I will

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