
4524 件


http://t.co/tvZgKSZzx8 (パンダはつきませんw)

7 5

제로투 최산해 서정우 리키 나리 움 투명화된건 다이스케밖에없ㅅ어...(애정도의 차이인가) 맘ㅁ껏 쓰세요!

36 35


0 4


19 32



0 6


5 85


2 15

💙🌹Cool roses🌹💜

12 154

Straightened the two images we have of the new girls from the goods on Amazon so we can get a better look at them.

156 260


66 151

disappointed that there's no green in healin good precure. It would fit so well.
Pripara has so many green ones so why can't Precure do the same?

Look how not ugly they are 🌱🤷🏻‍♂️

2 11

Blue Cure from Healin' Good ♡ Precure

156 398

So the designs for the new Precure season got out recently, and I have to say that I'm a fan

3 7

O design da nova "Cure Azul" expressa elegância com um toque de amadurecimento, a primeira vista lembra um pouco as heroínas das séries anteriores! Foi divertido colorir tal arte.

81 161

I think the blue cure around really looks nice! I'm loving the necklace!

25 111


69 181


0 22

Thanks for this! My name is Lex and I'm an illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. All of my links can be found on my carrd!

2 12

I don't remember seeing this >-<
Thank you! I'm Lex and I'm a freelance illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. For my links/store check my carrd!
I really like these works so far. A bit newer mixed with old, but I like the mood in each!

11 50

Thanks for this! My name is Lex and I'm an illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. All of my links can be found on my carrd!

7 22

I'll post all of them together now~
Once we get our names I'll repost them again!
Hope we get a fourth cure if possible!

37 78

Thank you! I'm Lex and I'm a freelance illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. For my links/store check my carrd!
Give and some love~

4 27

Thank you! I'm Lex and I'm a freelance illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. For my links/store check my carrd!

7 14

Thanks for this! My name is Lex and I'm an illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. All of my links can be found on my carrd!

I hope is doing well in their journey!

5 27

Sawaizumi Chiyu/Cure Fontaine deserves some love as well!☔️⛲️🌊

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14 54