百夜優一郎のタグが付いたイラスト。 49ページ目

6925 件


its a soulmate thing

86 438


60 274


0 0

goodmorning bffs

3 24

"Arrête d'essayer de porter tous nos fardeaux par toi-même !"
(Yûichirô Hyakuya)

Que le fardeau que tu portes ne t’empêche pas d’avancer. Nulle once de culpabilité n’a jamais réparé le passé. Nulle once d’anxiété n’a jamais facilité l’avenir.

3 6

I found what I was looking for. Two seasons of gay vampires the anime after. I feel fulfilled.

0 1

kaeluc 🤝 mikayuu

ser considerados incesto solo porque estuvieron juntos de pequeños

80 528

2. Owaranai Seraph (9 Episode)

Nah kalo Owaranai Seraph ini kayak versi komedi dengan mengambil adegan-adegan yang ada di Owari no Seraph sebelumnya tadi, dan durasinya lebih pendek sekitar 3-4 menit.

0 20

Spoiler! I've worked on it for a very long time.
I am incredibly satisfied with it and I hope you enjoy it!
Don't repost or use my artwork without my permission!

11 77

black-blonde hair trope (that ended up tragically) >>>>

0 4


43 175

Everyone's going crazy over Deku giving cookies to Kacchan on white day makes me realized how much gayer Mika and Yuu is compared to them when they give each other heart shape chocolate on Valentines day 😅

27 133

I'm so happy that you love it ><, here's another version

2 17


16 60

2014 artwork
Wow this was 2014!?
I first saw Owari no Seraph's manga cover a few months before the anime is going to air and I loved the artstyle.

I honed my own style to match with it and here's my trad art back then~ i was an OnS trash before 😂 Yuichiro and Mikaela 😍

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