碧川れたすのタグが付いたイラスト。 52ページ目

2755 件


green bitches reply for a color also I could only think of sothis for fe lel

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coloca um "?" e eu te dou 4 iniciais
me deram l, c, v, e https://t.co/3Hak3DR4B7

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Thank you for the thread!! I'm Lex and I'm a freelance illustrator! I draw magical girls, fanart, etc. For my links/store check out my carrd!
I'll tag ❤️ Give them some love!

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Tokyo Mew Mew group art 🎂

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Me and my sister realising we accidentally based our entire personalities off of our favourite mew mew since 2009: 👁👄👁

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First Anime: Tokyo Mew Mew
Last Anime: Tropical-Rouge! Precure
Best Anime: Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
Worst Anime: Durarara!!

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welp, might as well jump on the trending wagon

First Anime: Tokyo Mew Mew
Last Anime: Fooly Cooly
Best Anime: Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco, Inferno Cop, Fooly Cooly (and many more..)
(aint really got a "Worst Anime" sooooo)
Guilty Pleasure: Dokuro Chan

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First Anime: Girls Bravo
Last Anime: Tokyo Mew Mew (Currently watching)
Best Anime: Hibike! Euphonium
Worst Anime: Kemono Friends 2 https://t.co/gqWPaxlyo3

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Everyone drop your:

First Anime: MewMew power
Last Anime: Given
Best Anime: Gurren Lagann
Worst Anime: Devil's line

(J'aurais pu mettre KingGame en pire anime aussi mais Devil's line était trop puissant avec son baisé forcé à la 10eme minute) https://t.co/J2J4p8DBAy

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Jumping on this~

First Anime: Tokyo Mew Mew
Last Anime: Attack on Titan
Best Anime: Land of the Lustrous or Haikyuu!
Worst Anime: Diabolik Lovers

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