碧川れたすのタグが付いたイラスト。 69ページ目

2754 件


The magical girl of the evening is Ringo Akai/Mew Ringo from Tokyo Mew Mew: A New Mew Mew Appears! We'll Be of Service, Nyan!

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「東京ミュウミュウ にゅ~」声優オーディション、審査員発表! ハロプロやAKBの指導を務める実力派集結 https://t.co/a7AIA5f6ED

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🐈🧡🐈『#東京ミュウミュウ にゅ~♡』豪華オーディション講師陣決定🧑‍🏫🗒️応募締切は5月11日23:59まで💨⏳⌚️💨

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Tagged !!
Like for a color and then post your favorite characters associated with that color!

I got green!!

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Late to the party as usual.

I just found out that aka is getting a reboot Anime later this year

I was like WHAT? What's next is gonna give it the treatment or something? (Please say yes, that would be so awesome!)

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Like this tweet for a color, and then post your 4 favorite characters associated with that color!

gave me green

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主人公 役を募集💃合格者はポニーキャニオンからメジャーデビューも決定✨


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I got: Green 💚

Like for a color and then post four of your favorite characters associated with that color!

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LETTUCE FROM TMM god I cannot believe it took me this long to remember how much I still want to cosplay her

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Like for a colour, then post four pics of a character associated with that colour

I got: Green

I went very retro I had to force myself to think of one current character. Cosmo(Sonic X), Deku, Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew), and Lyserg (Shaman King)

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Mon enfance en image :

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look. i see your catboy tma. i see your magical girl tma. but can i please propose. Best of both worlds:

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On m'a donné VERT et je devais choisir 4 personnages de cette couleur que j'aimais bien c: https://t.co/7hJIjZLhuo

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[Pls RT] My store is still open and I still have a few things I'm planning to retire once they sell out, as well as stock that was meant for cons that aren't happening anymore so I'd appreciate if you just gave it a look! https://t.co/UfQ36gzra6

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Name your favorite magical girl anime. If u haven't seen it here, go ahead and leave a comment and tell me about it 💜💚💙💛❤

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Day 4: Your favorite Magical Girl series

1Heartcatch Pretty Cure
2Madoka Magica
3Star Twinkle Pretty Cure
4Go Princess Pretty Cure
5Tokyo Mew Mew

Special mention
KiraKira Pretty Cure a la mode
Yes!Pretty Cure 5 /5gogo
Winx Clun( only first three seasons)

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