綾里真宵のタグが付いたイラスト。 173ページ目

7728 件



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0 5

I keep forgetting to post here lmao

Anyway, I’m Niku! What pushed me to draw is because im constantly inspired by animated media! I want to tell stories in that way someday~

Tagging and !

4 7

Maya (Phoenix Wright)

154 972


0 9

Ok, here's my build thread for Miles Edgeworth: Learn Tailoring or Die Trying.

Time isn't real so who knows when I'll finish this but I've finally got my ass in gear and got started so, eventually I will become (1) emotionally constipated prosecutor

21 160

Here I am.. crushing on another dumbass 💕

0 7

2. Maya Fey (83 votes, 28.4%)

And I believe in female supremacy!

7 33


2 9

2-4챕 하고있는데 하미 맛있는거 사주고싶어요...

71 130

Whether you're new here or have been following me a long time, welcome! I'm Andrew, and I love drawing things that I enjoy. I mostly post of fan art of video games and comic characters, with some original sketches tossed in here and there!

2 15

I made this really late at night so it’s messy and terrible but I love the idea of maya messing with the younger lawyers

19 55

Tfw pheonix is taking a long ass time to save you

9 30

hi, Rusty!! congrats!!

I'm Niku from PH, and I like to work with vibrant colors!!

2 12

Hab a doodle of Maya

1 4



0 13

Ty for tagging Kirin~

QRT with your art and tag some artists who deserve more love~


4 11

I was playing around with some marker-like brushes in CSP aaaaand I ended up drawing Maya <:

239 1021

may be surprising but I see maya fey within you cause of how similar you guys are, especially from what I've seen in vc with you

0 1

u kno like nya

75 294

When you tell your friend she can only have a spoonful of ice cream and she pulls out a comically massive spoon

2932 8569


1 7