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Nearly done work for the night. As soon as I finish... I wanna watch Saint Seiya. Because I’ve been meaning to and I need to hear all my boys!!! I require my Shiryu boy!! 😍
Respuestas Incorrectas
Inicia a los 8 MG y 7 RTS.
Happy Birthday DeathMask! Fixed old art for him!🦀
#蟹座のデスマスク生誕祭2021 #蟹座のデスマスク生誕祭 #Deathmask #Cancer #cancerdeathmask #SaintSeiya #CaballerosdelZodiaco #デスマスク #聖闘士星矢 #デスマスク生誕祭 #6月24日はデスマスクの誕生日 #crab #ArtistOnTwitter #sharkxym
후하... 상반기 중에서만 꼽자면 요녀석들 >:3)9!
먹그림 첫작업이랑 색연필에 막 재미붙이던 그림들하고 영감님와서 만든 자캐하구 6☺️9 후히힣 자캐는 보기만해도 이너피쓰
La muerte es tan cercana a este hombre que acabó por convertirse en su identidad, y aunque tomó decisiones cuestionables, tuvo oportunidad de enmendarse.
Extremo, arrogante y esquivo
es el Caballero Dorado de #Cancer y hoy es su cumpleaños
¡Felicidades, Deathmask!
I love him many! Happy birthday, King!!! 🙏💜
[ #SaintSeiya | #CancerDeathmask | #聖闘士星矢 ]
24 juin : anniversaire de Deathmask du Cancer (ou Desu デス pour les intimes)
Et oui, c'est son vrai nom (non, il ne s'appelle pas Angelo : idée provenant d'une fanfic et qui a longtemps pris dans le fandom)
Virgo Asmita: "Man closest to a god."
He transformed all of his cosmos to a single object which he conjured the power to stop the immortality curse that Hades was inflicting upon his own pawns or specters.
#聖闘士星矢TheLostCanvas #LC