自来也のタグが付いたイラスト。 3ページ目

2616 件



0 2

Poste 4 personagens favoritos e marque 5 abençoados pra continuar o ciclo.

É muita pressão escolher apenas 4 personagens, não inclui filmes, nem séries. https://t.co/zYCRDB4P9k

1 7

선인모드 조아

31 166


3 32

Deuxième Mon second choix dans les cover que je voulais dessiner. J'ai bcp hésité à la mettre au propre c'est fait, merci c'est tout pour moi !! https://t.co/sAi6378cCb

6 54


1081 5193

전호장 양호열 성우 1인 2역인 것도 놀라운데 미나토 은혼 사사키 나락도 같은 성우래서 지금 입 벌어짐

90 86

Deidaras takes this easily imo😭

1. He won't be able to tell who the real deidara is
2. Deidaras explosions are stronger
3. He wouldn't be able to beat the dragon
4. Deidara is more composed and Bakugo is a hot head so he'd prob die to an explosive clone
5. He beat Gaara

1 9

NARUTO 自来也のデフォルメᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ


2 36


5 23

"Saru, you are the hokage now"

23 119

ダー👺♂ はながさ
🌱フィア♂ フーガ

0 6

今日も無理なくお過ごし下さいませ🌸今日は猫ちゃんの日だそうですよぉ🐱( =ノωヽ=)いつも拙い塗り絵等にRT等有難うございます🌸今日は

8 73


8 60


0 0

Finally created my most requested chibis... the Legendary Sanin join the chibi collection!!


2 14

Seeing to much naruto slander on my tl say whatever you want it won't change the fact naruto is one of the best anime ever

66 191

🐸🐍 ・3・

59 270