藤原はづきのタグが付いたイラスト。 4ページ目

6533 件


Bua pero es que me las vería de nuevo todas la verdad https://t.co/OPvPWJvV5F

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フラットガシャポン『おジャ魔女どれみ』キャンバスモードの⑥春風どれみ アナザーver.と5人集合の⑪スペシャルをげっと😆縦横約14.5cmでミニ色紙より少し大きめサイズでイラストも良いし印刷も綺麗😊Qposketやトルソー、ブーティーと並べるとこんな感じ♪

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Us deixem un resum del que vam aprendre a la nostra activitat Coses de noies ☺️

Creiem que és molt important ser capaces de fer una mirada crítica als productes culturals que consumim per tal de poder contextualitzar-los i veure'n tant els encerts com les parts problemàtiques.

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3) Wouldn't be here without Yoshihiko Umakoshi

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got around to drawing the core team as noms. can you pick me out of the line??

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I want to draw more magical girls 😤💖

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Not in any particular order but Ojamajo Doremi, Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy, Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Cardcaptor Sakura and (not pictured) Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne https://t.co/WBFbFTIrb4

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I want to watch more old Magical girl animes, but these are my fav nowadays.

I dont know if "Tobe Isami" counts but I still post it xD

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5. 꼬마 마법사 레미
어렸을때 꼬마 마법사 레미 볼때 당시 제 최애캐는 메이였고 지금도 메이를 좋아합니다(참고로 차애캐는 보라인 사람)

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Some of Yoshihiko Umakoshi's older trademark character designs just have this surreal yet charming aesthetic that makes them so distinguished, organic, and quite recognizable imho. I honestly wish this kind of signature style would be more prevalent nowadays.

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Magical Doremi !!

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the bot did it. time to make clout

hey guys follow me i make nice art https://t.co/kzSij9iMwe

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