遊戯王のタグが付いたイラスト。 334ページ目

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It's time to duel! Yugi Cream with Kuriboh Cheese! Originally gonna be Kaiba, Yugi just works better for Cream. Also thanks YGO 3DS game!

Other idea for Cheese was to use Yami Yugi's hair and his exact face. Either way, both are still terrifying.

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Wait.. Yusei drives a motorcycle/duel runner and I love him… it all makes sense now….. https://t.co/y3MPnDcmkd

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Comme le Kaiba en costard prend trop de temps parce que je suis une escroc, et que tu aurais aimé une expression douce, et que tu m’as dessiné un Schwanhelt super coolos, voici ce truc pour patienter. ❤️ ⁦

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