遠野志貴のタグが付いたイラスト。 45ページ目

2531 件


Doogal is fine if you're close to the router

6 14


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Tohno Shiki: Okay yes, he does have the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and thus the ability to kill me with a single finger any time he wants, but he's also dumb and historically weak to women. I think I could take him I just need some feminine wiles.

0 9

I don't want to know how fried my brain is that I decided to actually make this

302 722

Happy lesbians day

4 10

I think this is my new art style now xD
Gotta get used to it

anyways Shiki because I was meant to draw him in Melty launch day but I forgot to 😂

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Graças ao vamos testar o Melty novo!

4 12

I should stop mashing on wakeup... but I don't want to

7 13

今回のTYPE LUMINAはリメイク月姫に合わせ新生したメルブラになるのですが、月姫リメイクの本編は月の裏側が丸々残ってるので、メルブラの主役(FGOでも出てるシオン)やさっちんなどは出せなそうな雰囲気でした

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Oh no I said Steamed Arcs, That's what I call hamburgers.

113 395

Reply and i'll give you 4 series and you put your favorite characters from each https://t.co/zLwhXshCpc

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We have a new Melty Blood game this our year of twenty-twenty-one and you can bet your ass I'll be playing it on stream tonight at 4pm PST/7pm EST! A glass moon that's blue and melting blood, Tsukihime is BACK boys and girls!

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