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I'm already stuck between these 2 when it comes to who I want to play for Melty blood. I want to play Nanaya shiki because he seems really simple as a character from what I've explored in training mode but I also want to play Arcueid because cute girl lol.
Melty Blood: Type Lumina (2D fighting game) set to be released in summer 2021 for the PS4 and Switch with main visual revealed along with the characters visuals. Game modes confirmed story, time attack and survival. https://t.co/aZVMTrFGD5
Melty Blood: Type Lumina Worldwide Release Planned for 2021 https://t.co/aHEbOJsLE5 @MB_LUMINA #MBTL #MeltyBlood
Nuevos detalles:
- Cada personaje tiene un total de 10 combinaciones de colores diferentes, y los jugadores incluso tienen la opción de configurar sus propios colores personalizados
- Los modos para un jugador son Historia, Contrarreloj y Supervivencia
- Habrá textos en inglés
2D対戦格闘ゲーム【MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA】が2021年に発売!
新たな月姫の世界観をもとにした新生【MELTY BLOOD】
月姬格鬥系列新作Melty Blood TYPE LUMINA,即將登場!
#MeltyBlood: Type Lumina has been announced for #PS4, #Switch, & #XboxOne (including English release). The #VisualNovel #Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon and the #Fate cooking game Mainichi Emiya-sanchi no Kyou no Gohan got Japanese release dates. 😍 https://t.co/fji9txkGof
Melty Blood: Type Lumina official website is up! It will have Japanese voices only. (English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean Text).
Melty Blood Actress Again/Under Night In-Birth - Blood Drain -Again- Vocal 0.99 Version [Requested by @Sn9bois]
It's happening
#メルブラ #MBTL
2021年発売【メルティブラッド:タイプルミナ (PS4/Switch/XboxOne)】公式サイトオープン https://t.co/gUwQVFEMix
更新:『MLETY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』キャラクタービジュアルとスクリーンショットが公開されました。
「MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA」が2021年内に発売決定。「月姫 -A piece of blue glass moon-」の世… https://t.co/8CS4GGyNjG
公式サイト オープン
『【電子版】TYPE-MOONエースVOL.13 [雑誌] (TYPE-MOONエース)』(TYPE-MOON 著) を読み終えたところです https://t.co/YKIn8CaIwn
2021 packed for me now. 3 fighting games I want to play, Monster Hunter Rise, then the Senran Kagura Neptunia game.
I really thought it was kurapika xD I love the design of the characters!