雷電芽衣のタグが付いたイラスト。 3ページ目

4468 件


i wonder which one would you guys prefer ? My old style or my new style

17 109


0 0

i wanted to put all my kiamei together...

216 806

So that everyone doesn't get confusedヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)... Ku loves making her own Scenarios(~‾▿‾)~...
Dr. Mei
her childhood friend Kiana
and Mayor Kiana https://t.co/hz93qeVPoV

22 288

「ひらひらと舞う 華やかで心ときめく
甘い夢の中で秘密の囁き」美しすぎ 何? 腕に彫る?

72 750


219 1039

So.....,Archeron has 2 type with 2 different des, 1 black/purple mix des and 1 balck/red mix des....
Now she's more like Houkusin Mei for me

3 39

would you believe they took me the same time.........

57 424

you have no idea how much I want to be crushed between mei and elysia

0 19


27 174