飛鳥(閃乱カグラ)のタグが付いたイラスト。 126ページ目

4869 件


Happy Asuka-Chan! ☺️💓 I excuse me for the last week , It was not really possible for me to tweet with some family problem but this week , Asuka is here! 😍😍💘💘 I also put my new ID account of my new link account , if you want to add me 🤭🤭

38 133

Only a few more weeks until ReNewal Burst! Flashback to when Asuka was the face of the series.

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Late Night 👙👙👙
Rivals(Asuka/Homura) and Protuges(Souji/Fuma)

29 143

And to round off it's none other than This was fun, and I hope everyone else enjoyed it!

32 130

菖蒲ちゃんと巡り会えたのもカグラという作品があるからこそですよ~( 〃▽〃)

3 21

GIVEAWAY TIME! All you have to do I said all you have to do is RT this tweet!
You'll get a chance of winning one of the following games of your choosing:
-Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni
-Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
-Senran Kagura Bon Appetit

One winner. Good luck! STEAM ONLY!

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閃乱カグラ 7周年おめでとうございます!

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As comes to a close, time for one of my favorite days,

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シリーズもいよいよ7周年!まもなく放送開始される『アニメ第2期』や後々控えている『閃乱カグラ7EVEN -少女達の幸福-』での神楽様の活躍を非常に楽しみにしています!

40 106

For this I will introduce my new art 🤩 I chose an action style, more specially "Inazuma eleven" style, did you think how a SK game would be as soccer game? I wanted see that so I realesed this art, hope you'll like it 😊.

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As I stated when I announced I'm only doing to keep things fair.

37 159

Unlike yesterday, was a lot more easier to find pictures for.

39 132

The first day to kick off is and what a great day to start!

30 97

【悲報】スイッチ『閃乱カグラ シノビリフレ』メタスコア41点 海外レビューでシリーズ最低スコアを叩き出してしまう https://t.co/n797NslvyD

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Would you play Shinobi Master Senran Kagura: NEW LINK if it was in english? Let's see if we can get some attention. Like and retweet!
ローカライズ/翻訳NEW LINKしてください!
Localize/ translate NEW LINK please!

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Why I only post Asuka cards? Cuz she is the only one I love 😍😍😍
New Asuka cards!! Yukata event...kawaii deshou? :3

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作詞:高木 謙一郎 作曲&編曲:石村 睦
歌:飛鳥(CV:原田 ひとみ)

作詞:高木 謙一郎 作曲&編曲:本山 明燮
歌:雪泉(CV:原 由実)

171 359

国立半蔵学院(Hanzō National Academy)

56 143