魔女の宅急便のタグが付いたイラスト。 119ページ目

6981 件


関連タグ: キキ(魔女の宅急便)

Parabéns pelos 500 seguidores! Também sou autodidata e voltei a desenhar mais sério há 2 meses atrás. No momento tenho pouca coisa terminada mas vou fazer mais :D

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作画 山形尚平 https://t.co/GjAr0OWep5

161 458

Thanks for the art share! My name is AyaJess, I’m a Latina mom who loves fantasy characters and tabletop games

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Hi everyone! My name is AyaJess :) I love fantasy characters and tabletop games

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oi, meu nome é luna e eu amo ilustrar 🥰✨ obrigada pela iniciativa!!


1 8

hello! i’m luna and i’m an illustrator trying to create a magical atmosphere to everything I draw ✨

thank you for the artshare and have a nice weekend 💖

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2005 12519

Manga Style Practice 1

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Kiki a bruxinha - O serviço de entregas da Kiki

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'Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja / Kiki, entregas a domicilio'
(Hayao Miyazaki, 1989)

97 513

Ooh, thanks for the link. I think a Western release for the Kiki vinyl(s) is inevitable. Both the OST and Image Album were re-released on vinyl in Japan in March. I have neither - it seems like a step too far in my obsessive collecting, to buy something I'll literally never play!

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Hi~ I do commission pieces if you're interested 😄 These are some of my work.

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『優しい お言葉を

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픽셀아트로 바꿔주는 사이트

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hello! i’m luna and here is my art.
thank you very much for the support thread 🖤

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Yo, I'm Erico and can't create characters for the good of me, so I mostly draw scenes and fanart (mostly digital)

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Thenks for the share! I'm Erico, brazilian, and decided to treat art more seriously during this pandemic. Currently I like to draw scenes

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