Il buon governo non è quello che sceglie quale parte favorire, ma quello che ricerca il giusto equilibrio tra le parti sociali per evitare che una parte possa soffocare l'altra.

Calibrare asimmetrie non per renderle simmetriche ma per armonizzarle.

A. Lorenzetti 1338/1339 🎨

9 36

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
“As in the Holy Trinity, so in earthly society, none shall be afore or after other, none shall be greater or less than another”
‘John Ball (1338 - 1381) rooted his social radicalism in the doctrine of God’ - Fr. Ken Leech

19 32

 (れんらくのために さかいは なんちょうこう)】

0 4

Black Agnes defending Dunbar Castle in 1338.

4 22

Daily bunny no.1338 is among friends

372 1417


3 12

Vector Illustration!

This is, TOI 1338 B, identified by Wolf Cukier, a 17-year-old high school student who had an internship with NASA last summer 🔭🌌

Just remembering that illustration was based on this generated photo, from 🧑‍🚀

4 8




・北海道 釧路市 釧路湿原国立公園 タンチョウの飛行/青色のえりまき使用(ぼっち旅)


0 0

🛸🪐Alien Boy🪐🛸 colors are inspired by cutest new planet discovered by NASA, toi-1338 b🥰

18 76

Hey! Sabéis éste planeta que se esparció por teiter cómo un nuevo planeta descubierto? Pues siento quitaros la ilusión pero es falso.
Es sólo una ilustración basada en un planeta llamado TOI 1338b y no se acaba de descubrir, se descubrió en 2019, a 1300 años luz de distancia.

5 50

A new planet TOI 1338 b was identified by Wolf Cukier

321 1193

when i saw TOI-1338 b, a certain beanie man came to mind

12 45

TOI 1338 bという惑星がキャンディカラーで可愛い…💗🪐

2 9

マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (1338)
多分、今後3ヶ月はサボるね by ネコのコリン

0 4

1338: Sonic Ostreague

58 221


🦴RT100〜   💀RT200〜 
1338エコーまで 2888エコーまで



⚰当選日  ⚰期間限定
12月15日   参加者プレゼント有🎉


13 28