Image from a 1843 anatomical table showing a thoracic aortic taken from the work "General of the pathological a#natomy of the human of (1791-1874). First Italian version of Pietro Banchelli.

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비행기 하이재킹이 만연하던 시절에 나온 괴상한 발명품(1974). 모든 비행기 좌석에 주사기를 장착, 여차하면 승무원이 수상한 승객 허벅지에 독약을 주사해 죽여버린다는 획기적인 착상이었다고 함ㅋ 진짜 특허까지 받았댄다 듣자마자 천만가지 잘못될 경우가 상상됨 너무 무서워

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He painted The Railway in 1873. It too met with confusion. On the Beach (1873) & Boating (1874). Railways were still new & the height of modernity. The painting has been interpreted in many ways. Manet painted many boring shipping scenes (I’ve left them out).

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Parsons también llamaba a sus obras por un sentimiento o el lugar que le inspiraba, esto lo vemos en “Alone”, “Maine”, “African Drawn” (1972) o “Wyoming Magic” (1974). Formas dinámicas con una paleta de colores excéntricos que se fueron saturando con los años

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Folktale illustrations by Russian artist, Nikolai Kochergin (1897-1974).

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In 1973 he married Kirsten Benson & had a son with her. She sold her restaurant to Langan & Procktor, Hockney, Bacon & Freud helped decorate the walls. Lamp & Pines (1975), Two Diners on Desert (c1976) & Victoria Falls (1974). Regents Park (1973) is a delicate landscape

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[MUSÉE On a entièrement revu et mis à jour notre page sur l’#exposition temporaire « : le travail des créateurs » consacrée à la série TV d'#IsaoTakahata (1974).
Bonne (re)découverte !

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Concept art for GODZILLA VS MECHAGODZILLA (1974).

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Hi, i'm Xalbcar, i'm from Peru, drawing is one of my hobbies and i like to draw characters(ocs and fanarts).
Favorite movies? There's a lot, but my favorites are Cross of Iron, Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver and Death Wish(1974).

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Did you know you can view artworks from our collection on ? We hold paintings from hundreds of artists including L. S. Lowry, John Collier, William Henry Hunt and more. 🎨 Formby Pines. John Bowes (1899–1974). Atkinson Art Gallery Collection.

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Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space: Map Projections - The Hot Dog (Agnes Denes, 1974).

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A mad professor plans to create a race of human-plant hybrids. Naturally, he allies himself with a disfigured freak show owner so the movie can be 10x trashier.

Thanks to for bringing this grindhouse favorite to blu ray. 📽️

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In 1460 Mantegna was appointed Court artist by Ludovico III Gonzaga at his Ducal Court in Mantua. There he created frescoes in the Camera degli Sposi, Ducal Palace, Mantua (1465-74). These document the Duke & his Court. His oculus is one of the triumphs of the Renaissance

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The Hands in the drawing here have been suggested both as studies for Ginerva & for the Mona Lisa. Warrior (1472), Ginevra de Benci (c1474), Hands (1474). Leonardo was also fascinated with depicting age, beauty & emotion - particularly in profile drawings.

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Phoenixes by Paulownia Trees, by Kano Tan'yu (1602 - 1674).

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State Dance Ensemble of performs “Fortress” (Berd) dance. (1974). Berd means "fortress" in Armenian and is named accordingly because of the shape the dancers make.

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This week on : & on Jumanji: The Next Level, Aquarela and Black Christmas (1974).

Plus, I start my bid for Finnish citizenship by talking at length about Apocalyptica.


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Folktale illustrations by Russian artist, Nikolai Kochergin (1897-1974).

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Happy This week's post shows the beautiful hand-marbled pages from an earlier post. The papers were created by Christine McNair in 2004. (Margaret Laurence, The Diviners, 1974).⁠

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