As students start their first full week of classes, we want to share these delightful tricolour French curls. From William Somner's "The Antiquities of Canterbury" (1640).

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A bright placard pattern for This paper is from our Falconry in the British Isles, by Francis Henry Salvin.

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Happy This placard patterned paper is from our 1774 edition of the The Seasons, written by James Thomson.

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We also looked at about w/ examples here from the 1978 "Marbled Papers: Being a Collection of 22 Hand-Marbled Papers..." by Christopher Weimann. We could go on with the paper samples included in books, so look for more paper features in the coming days!

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Check out Special Catalogue The History and Technique of Marbled Paper!

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Marbled boards and fore-edge on the 5 volume set “The Works of Lord Macaulay,” published in 1873.

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A riot of color characterizes this marbled paper book cover. We love the repetition of the large swirls and the flecks of orange that offset the base colors.

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Happy This week's post shows the beautiful hand-marbled pages from an earlier post. The papers were created by Christine McNair in 2004. (Margaret Laurence, The Diviners, 1974).⁠

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Happy This pattern, with its distinctive white spots, is from The Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey.
Published in 1718, it was written by John Aubrey (1626-1697), an antiquarian and biographer.

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It's This lovely bouquet pattern is found inside our 1707 edition of "The beaux stratagem: a comedy." Published in London, it was written by George Farquhar, an Irish dramatist.

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Happy ! This bright pattern is from "The Poetical Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift", published in London in 1787.

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Swirls of green, with some cream and a dash of red spill across this festive paper.
This is found on our copy of Histoire complète de la noblesse de France, printed in Paris in 1862.

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A few examples of the results of marbling day... such an expressive technique and so beautifully unpredictable

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Happy Here is a Turkish tricolour for Queen's colours are gold, blue, and red and have been fondly called the tricolour for almost a century. [JC389 .W45 1789]

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Happy We're hitting the road this week and headed to for the annual Rare Books and Manuscript Section (RBMS) and American Library Association (ALA) conferences. This bright orange matches our level of enthusiasm to see…

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Happy Blue was used for endpapers & binding of this book. You can see how the paper & leather fade over time.

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Happy This gorgeous pink Spanish pattern is found in "The Wo…

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