Another fine day for real Some major investigative wandering too. Here's the sort of thing he might get up to in the based on his Hope you like. Sharing more on this soon.

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Of course we already think .. but here's a taste of from Albert that might enforce that view... Bit chilly for real Albert today. He powernapped in his shelter.

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Bit blowy + chilly today. Not much feeding by real - it might not have stayed still anyway.
This is a sample piece of for Albert. Loads to be shared on both Alberts

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Crikey. What happened to that weather? Not good for real Not much from him today. Here's a Albert to brighten things a little. Hope everyone's keeping safe. And warm. Here's to warmer days before too long

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Here's a of real with some of his favourite And Albert tackling his own. It was a bit too + for real Albert today. Come on
More on the way...

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We're currently re-working some of the for the of We'd love to share more with you. please. Meanwhile real Albert needs more warmth. Come on

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Work on Albert things is coming along nicely .. Much news for the real Albert when he emerges from hibernation .. and for you too.. on the way... Please do tell your chums about - here and also on

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The is asleep but continues including adjustments to of Albert. Here's a slightly for him which we hope you'll like. Hope the real Albert will like it too.

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Have you met yet? The real Albert is in - meanwhile loads is going on to prepare exciting things with Albert...

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Can you keep a secret? My pal has some eye-popping in 2020... - say no more .. for now. All will be revealed as soon as possible. In the meantime, check his facebook Page here:

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