画質 高画質

To my reader. I have a request for you all. My writer and I would like to hear your feedback. Please feel free to tell us how you feel about the story, what's good and what's bad, so that he can improve his writing in the future. Ko-fi shop: https://t.co/kr1mGuaaQo

473 3337

Greetings, fellas. I'm currently looking for new friends to fill my timeline. I'm an albedo and lyney main, often post about random abyss clips and fanfiction, goes by she/her and my account is safe for minors. If you do not mind having a mutual with a writer, please (cont..)

0 2

🦑 cw / bl , joongdok , blood
(art by sender) hii selamat malam senin, sender pertama kali gambar joongdok dan mau cari temen buat ngobrolin orv n jd 🥺 jd artist/au writer got a free pass!

31 262


Lagi analisis ini trio, gimana reader itu juga writer dan protagonist, juga sebaliknya untuk writer dan protagonist.

Lalu keinget ORV punya sub judul yang mewakili mereka bertiga. ORV terlalu meta jadi ada aja kepikiran 😭

167 980

I don't know what changed, why they decided to touch upon the political side of Tea Party with her all of a sudden. Maybe it's just a different writer in charge of Valentine. But I'm happy nonetheless. It was very short but I liked it more than anything they ever cooked with her.

14 211

Hi hi!!!
I can finally post my piece for the !!
I feel so honored to be the one to make the cover 😭🙏💕
And I can't wait for everyone to see what the other artists and writers cooked for the zine!!

457 2974

I remind you that this canonically makes no sense, but it's nice for me to imagine them together, hehe. They are my comfort shipp.

And sorry if my english is not good, I am my own translator, my writer apart from being the artist, I hope I have not made mistakes writing xD

17 414

heyho kawanbabu siapa yang tertarik temenan sama writer— navia main? aku talkative also suka jbjb yang NGGA JELAAAS T___T thats why i was looking for a lot of friendship to made!😄 lessgo lessgo lessgo! minor and homophobic do not interact ya sayang sayangku, (cont..)

0 3

Reading 《Time after time》 (again) by Lord Nightmare. The best writer in the world is Lord Nightmare. Fanfiction queen.👑 https://t.co/nDCCa6nYB5

5 28

Marcia Komnenos, Greco-Italian Orthodox nun. Gunslinger Preacher, a Stigmatic, extremely zealous, and violent towards demons and heretics.

Tag 4 artists and share a character you created. Remember writers are artists too!


4 26

Thank you for this!! My art is most likely like this, I really want the opportunity to work with writers. More art here https://t.co/At9MY6kPSf

0 1

Hi, berkelana mencari kawanbabu (lagi). I go by she/her. i'm an artist and writer too. oh ya--aku minor, sama multishipper. aku suka nge-tweet seputar animanga juga. dni if u fit basic dni, homophobic, ga bisa menghargai ship dan ga bisa membedakan nyata dan fiksi. (cont..)

0 1

*Cue Light Yagami Laugh*

Two for two now on making things we saw growing up that traumatized us:

-Gooey Gus from Ghostwriter with the Sailor Scouts

-Now The Swamp of Sadness from the Never Ending Story with Centorea & Papi from Monster Musume~ >:3

Merry Christmas~

21 93

光时 / ヒカトキ 新刊本宣其二

图文合志《Perfect Illusion》

writer:Dwight & Dsarl


14 62

-bllkawan Hi, I'm looking for fellow AU writers to be around. Who doesn't mind if I hype other animanga & hype NSFW stuff. I’m fine with any ship or stan & other animanga writers.

Lgbtq+phobic, part of kpop account, and minor -18 please DNI. So, just leave any trace!

0 20

Warning spoiler

orspoiler drop fun fact tentang writer kita dong

3 96

messy kaveh sketch i did as ref for writer

95 964


all main protagonists crossover SingShong-nim work

Jaehwan - The World After The Fall
Kim Dokja - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Lee Hakhyun - How to be a Star Writer

Feelnya berasa kayak protagonist - reader - writer

557 3153