Very proud to be able to share that me and my fellow title artists Isaiah and Jack at worked on the end credit crawl for

The movie is great, look out for Exceptional Minds in the credits!

2 10

Hiii!!! Im pretty late but incase you guys didn't know im Autistic!!!!

8 21

Will the lines disappear?
The answer is hidden in the comic 👀

Les lignes vont-elles disparaître?
La réponse est cachée dans la BD 👀

10 133

Soon I will start with horse therapy related to my autism, who has experience with horse therapy? 💗

4 13

Classy Teen collection created by the amazing 😍 and dedicated to teen girls with autism. so awesome! pizza and sunshine, two of my favorites! 🍕


4 22

I like dogs. I have 3 dogs: Luna, Roosje and Dimba. All 3 are street dogs (were, now they live in our backyard) 💗

2 13