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ull never catch me streaming ever again pls play tetris with me i have no friends
@Jarzardart This is me playing Tetris Effects my eyes get so dry because I don’t blink. Where is my Manual to save my eyes
Day 30: Video game
I had a phase where I played nothing but tetris effect for several weeks. Got so absorbed by it every time i closed my eyes i saw tetris
#PuyoPuyoTetris 1 Character Select Screen vs #PuyoPuyoTetris2 Character Select Screen.
#PuyoPuyo #ぷよぷよ #ぷよぷよテトリス #ぷよぷよテトリス2 #ぷよテト #ぷよテト2
Tetris training arc is hard! Having to learn all the complex moves as a beginner hurts the brain, no wonder there was so much Blessed PON🥜
But Aki can do it! Ganbarose!💪
Thank you for the fun stream, Aki!
#おはようVtuber おはみゃ☺
本日の配信 22時~
#TETRIS99/視聴者 #参加型【#テトリス99】
https://t.co/b2TYw8DVTS @YouTubeより
Tonight on Puzzle Wednesday, we're thrilled to bring you Tricky Towers! This Tetris-meets-Jenga versus puzzler has been on our watchlist for some time and we're so thrilled to invite you to some friendly games later tonight: https://t.co/iiBFRS2k77
Anyone with a Nintendo Switch want to play me in Tetris 99 for the Extra Life Bucks? 😉 #ExtraLifeUnited
Puyo Puyo Tetrisコラボ配信より。
友達の友達脱却を目指す道はまだまだ続くwまた一歩前進したはず…! #生スバル #プロテインザスバル #できたてころね #ころスバ
As per the rules of sweep Sunday the loser must draw the winner a doodle tied into the game that was played and last week was puyo puyo Tetris!….as you can tell I lost 😂 (I’ll never forget that 16 combo……) #inkularparu
"I'm Tee, and I'm gonna be a great magician someday!"
"Halt in the name of the Tetris Queen!"
Fun little swap thing I drew between Tee and Amitie
#puyopuyo #puyopuyotetris
Time to tetris! very exicted for my future full time Tetris endeavorsc😇
Is it a mere coincidence or masterclass shot that #TedLasso S3E3 mentioned #Tetris same weekend @AppleTVPlus releasing the movie #Tetris.
"I left it (my mobile) sitting on my bathroom sink. Dang it. That's what you get for playing Tetris on the toilet."