Quick colored Sketch of Mouse Belle. (Spiritsonic posted on Tumblr) Anyway, as much as i like the Mouse design i'm really happy with the final design choice. It makes her so unique looking compared to the other characters.

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Belle being rejected by others hits close to real life. She's largely ignored by a majority of the Sonic fanbase and man is that ever a big shame.

This poor girl deserves better. I love her so darn much.

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Phone doodle of the Best wooden gal around 🔔

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I'm not asking for much, but this would make me incredibly happy :3

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LEGO Minifigure - Belle The Tinkerer

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So, had this idea in my head that I wanted to draw for a long time and now I finally did it. What it something happened that turned Belle the Tinkerer organic? Like into a real living being of flesh and blood.

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I'd love to see added from IDW Sonic!

Not only is she super cute, but I think she'd make for a very creative moveset.

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Do you think that Tangle and Belle are going to be the new Tangle and Whisper?💖

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kicks off it's newest story arc today.

Part 1 was a really fun introduction for the story to come with great character interactions. There's lots of moments in this one which made me really happy, cause she's best IDW character :3

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what can I say? She is too darn cute! I just had to draw her!

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There's not enough fan art in the world.

That is all. Goodnight everyone.

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