*jpf tw // blood!

mau setor colored sketch nih HEHE, ada yg tau ini siapa? clue : anak kembar, yg ini bau bedak bayi 🥰
sekalian mau ajak mutualan esp anitwt, sekalian drop carrd kalian aja kalo punya! lgbtqphobic dni, and im a minor too btw <3

3 36

// techno neg in op

bestie you said techno fans dni, not us. listen to urself <3

0 7

Thanks for this! Hey I’m Sydni, and I hope you enjoy my art :)

3 6

*Dna Fem!Eijun art by sender

Ada yang mau mutualan ga? Itung2 nambah moots di daiyatwt hehe. Homophobic Dni, MiSawa stans get freepass

0 19



6 7

Pagi! aku sedang mencari mutual *hq stans yang baru nii, if u dont mind i hype other animanga, often jamet-typing & random yaa. reply with ur carrd/hi or like this tweet i'll hyu~!

noya, sakusa & suna stans get 💌
h0mophobic dni, fb 'nder hq'
pict sebagai pemanis ^^

1 37

| Ginger | AfroNinja360 |

| Lewed DNI, SFW, Mature Themes, Crossover Friendly, Multi Ships, Semi-Selective |

| | | |

14 23

Happy y’all!🥳

I’m Sydni, a 17 y/o artist who loves to use her skills and talents to create stuff :)

17 36

Heyy!! I'm Teru / Kain, an aromantic pansexual trans guy (he him) artist :-)

my carrd with info, dni, byf, and comms: https://t.co/x9B2xbwvyY

0 3

Hi! I’m Sydni, and I love to draw fanart other stuff! I’m also working towards drawing my OCs more😊

11 20

Another trainer for

This is Sydni, younger sister of McCartney.

1 1

My friend and I hate 365 dni, but she repeating that phrase is funny

1 1

📌 Pinned Tweet

- Hi I'm Vas
- I draw gremlins for life essence
- I have tattoos and am totally not gay,,,,

❣️Read my carrd for info (DNI, ToS, Paypal/Ko-Fi, etc)

3 12

☆ my name is arin, im a disabled artist and i primarily draw furries

☆ this acc is 18+!! MINORS DNI, you will be blocked on sight

☆ my commissions are OPEN and my info sheet will be put in the replies

☆ view my fursona:

3 6

🌵 howdy, i'm faz!
🌵 i'm 18, please dni if ur below 14!
🌵 he/they/bun nonbinary | biromantic | asexual
🌵 DMs open, but I reply slow sometimes! feel free to nudge me
🌵 Info (dni, other sites, etc) https://t.co/RTW0BsCB2D
⚠️ notice: i tweet & swear a lot. may rt adult jokes

2 21

Si en algún trámite os piden el no está de mas añadirle una marca de agua, en es fácil con ImageMagick:

$ convert -density 150 -fill "rgba(255,0,0,0.25)" -gravity Center -pointsize 80 -draw "rotate -45 text 0,0 'COPIA'" dni.jpeg dni-final.jpg

97 225

FUN FACT OF THE DAY: A valaha élt legnagyobb kenguru, Procoptodon Goliah, kb 230 kg-ot nyomott, ami miatt valószínű, hogy nem tudott ugrálva haladni, mint utódai.

Caak így lépett. Nagyokat.

5 531

--->Me, my art and info.

->♠Hello. I am Victor from Argentina
-♠They/He pronouns
-♠Digital and traditional artist
-♠https://t.co/Gtz9aboCF2 (other social media)

!!My DNI, TW's and other important things are below. Please, read it before to follow me!!

13 20

Al final en vez de hacerle la foto del dni, hice escenas imaginarias del john <3

49 491

Elena egy nagyon jó módú úrihölgyként nevelkedett. Csak hogy megunta a folytonos semmit tevést, a beképzelt hölgyek társaságát. Az élete 180°-os fordulatott vett. Elkezdett lovagként tanulni, viselkedni, mind úgy hogy a kilétét nem fedte föl.

0 3