Art! Halow sender mau setor recent art sekalian sender lagi nyari artmoots nihh, apakah ada yang mau berk☁️? Ketik 1 di reply kalau mau🫶 (Homophobic DNI, mostly sender bikin Galladay art + meaty art)

3 93

Hbs bikin art! trend with ipan, apkh ada yg maw mutualan? 🙇🏻‍👻👻👻☝☝☝
(Homophobic, minor dni, kinda selective)

2 55

Sedang dicari kawanbabu kalau ngga masalah dengan akun sender yang unlabeled, suka nimbrung, walau onlinenya kadang-kadang. Legal, bersuami (2d), serta beranak (2d). Basic dni, + minor dni duluu walau safe (kayaknya). Sekian nanti berjumpa (⌒∇⌒)ノ"

0 10

Sender habis buat akun art! baru. Siapa maw ikut? 🐄
Homophobic dni, kinda selective. Yg hype yohaji / youkai gakkou free pass! 🤩

1 9

HALOO!! I'm currently looking for new kawanbabu untuk meramaikan tl, if u don't mind unlabeled acc, I mostly talk about genshin but sometimes I talk about animangas too, i goes by she/her legal age, homophobic, zionist, heavy kpop acc dni, rep anything & I'll hyu!!

0 1

hi guyss!! I'm currently looking for new kawanbabu untuk meramaikan tl, if u don't mind unlabeled acc, I mostly talk about genshin but sometimes I talk about animangas too, i goes by she/her legal age, homophobic, zionist, heavy kpop acc dni, rep anything & I'll hyu!!

0 1

hy,, slamat malming! ak sdank mncari genshinmoots (bru mw blik gengshing) akunku lmyan cmpur aduk.. akunku jg mdni, dn tlg jan fllow dlu ia (aga selektip) tlonk drop tmi klian spaya bisa ak ajak ngobrol 😔☝🏻 (btw ak anaknya aga loyo, jd mff klok aga slr)

1 12

alloo i'm looking for Genshinmoots to fill up my tl! a minor n go by she/her. love pretty things esp. hoyo's pretty bois 😽 akunku suka hype animanga juga. homophobic, mdni, heavy nsfw acc dni dulu yapp. leave ur trace below and i'll hyu! xiaolumi, haikaveh stan gfp🎟️

0 4

Hello dear friends! I’m looking for -bllkawan to be one of my moots and hyping jumping screaming together for the S2. Heavy acc dni, i’m a friendly acc :P. Nagi Seishiro stan got a VIP ticket!

3 20

hai kawanbabu ! aku baru saja netasin akun hype genshin and a new player as well 🥹 i do rant for some unnecessary things and retweet tons of spicy content esp mavuitano 😆 mdni, if you don't mind with it, let's be friends!

0 0

hi gusy! gw lgi butuh kawanbabu baru, I go by she/her, legal age and Kazuha main, yg gamasalah gw hype another game and sometimes talk about anime, manga and webnovel, akun gw minor friendly kok. Kpop acc, homophobic, zionist dni, rep w/ ur main and I'll hyu

0 1

cw // spoiler archon quest natlan
yo! sender sedang mencari warga yang ingin ber – genshinmoots – dengan sender she/her yang akunnya unlabeled ini. homophobic tolong dni, ya. archons & anemo boys enjoyer or simp get fp!! ★___< meme by sender, hestekmaafkepadabapakpacal

0 4

Greetings travelers, saya sedang mencari genshinmoots, saya juga ngehype game lain like hsr, danganronpa, dll dan akun saya benar benar tidak ramah untuk minor jadi minor+homophobic DNI, bagi yang tidak masalah dengan rare ship dan tidak masalah dengan beberapa ship (cont…)

1 0

helloo !! i'm in the mood of expanding my social circle, i need lots of *hq enthu on my tl! brief info my account is unlabeled and i post other animanga too :] homophobic strictly dni, i'm okay with any ship. please leave a trace if you’re interested! (bokuroo (cont)

0 32


Adakah yang mau berteman dengan sender? Sender suka 3rd year squad dan suka baca AU

Homoshipper dni, Oiyachi dan penyuka kapal f×m get your freepass!

1 63

-bllkawan cw // spoiler characters

let's be moots buat hype s2 nanti! oh ya, sender sering rt about 🇵🇸 yg gak suka dni, rep with your fav characters and i'll hit you up!

ps : yg suka rin, nagi, kaiser, sae, timnas 🇲🇨 & real madrid get free pass

13 227

Artist! Aku mau mulai aktif lagi di art acc jadi mau nyari 🐄🐄‼️‼️ fandomku sekarang condong ke kpop (zb1, riize, bnd) might as well be rps-focused. Minor and homophobic dni, kinda selective 👋👋

0 13

Hello everyone!! Im currently looking for kawanbabu to jb2 that have no problem with befriending a small account. My pronouns are he/him and already on legal age. Im a childe/xiao main and currently saving for clorinde. Minors and homophobics strictly DNI, other that (cont..)

0 1

helloo! im looking for kawanbabu ! im not a minor & unlabeled, harshwordphobic & jametphobic dni, leave a trace and I'll hit you up!

p.s. im a Tartaglia and navia main! & i hype kpop too

0 4

sesama artist! berkawan yuk yang ga masalah sama akun sender yang gado-gado 😏 minors please kindly dni, selective yah

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