Confira as posições da DC no ranking de séries do streaming em 2021:

- "Liga da Justiça"
- "Batman: A Série Animada"

8 62

🗓️ 16 de OUTUBRO -

Dia de recheado de novidades!

- Anúncio de filme crossover de vs
- Primeiro trailer de
- Renovação de e
- Botas douradas de
- Despedida de

e muito mais.

3 15

A melhor dos 2 mundos! Diane Guerrero (#DoomPatrol) dublou a personagem Isabela Madrigal no filme animado 'Encanto', da Disney.

A atriz também teve a oportunidade de cantar 2 músicas no longa.

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DC comics has also gotten on it from time to time as well. This one was rather strange, but then again, DaDa was always about strange.

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Doom Patrol Haiku 183:
DC Holiday Special '09 "The Christmas of Doom" February, 2010

A lonely Christmas
Is salvaged by family
Even if they're strange

W: Sterling Gates
A: Jonboy Meyers
I: Jonboy Meyers
C: Dustin Nguyen

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Doom Patrol Haiku 182:
Doom Patrol (v2) "Remembrance of Lives Passed" October, 1994

Memories are flawed.
Reminisce on the fiction.
Ease the pain of truth.

W: Rachel Pollack
A: Jamie Tolagson
I: Matt Howarth
C: Kyle Baker

4 6

Doom Patrol Haiku 179:
Doom Patrol (v2) "The Dogs of Soul" July, 1994

Broken souls mend, but
Hidden beneath the rubble
New mysteries lie.

W: Rachel Pollack
A: The Pander Bros.
I: The Pander Bros.
C: Kyle Baker

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Doom Patrol Haiku 177:
Doom Patrol (v2) "The Teiresias Wars: The Path of Vanished Alphabets" May, 1994

Kindred spirits merge
The modern Teiresias
Both and yet neither

W: Rachel Pollack
A: Ted McKeever
I: Ted McKeever
C: Kyle Baker

7 20

Portada wraparound de Lee Bermejo para Sueños y Fábulas: Historia de Vértigo de ECC Ediciones.

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Remember this classic Time Magazine cover? Art by Lisa Medley, Gene Fama and Stuart Chaifetz.

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oh shit its the doompatter. try as she may, the inevitable always comes

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Happy Birthday to Brendan 'Mummy Killin' Fraser!

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Doom Patrol Haiku 160:
Flex Mentallo "After the Fact, Part Four: We are all UFOs" September, 1996

Imagine them real,
All our childhood fantasies.
Say the magic word.

W: Grant Morrison
A: Frank Quitely
I: Frank Quitely
C: Frank Quitely

9 23

Joivan Wade as Cyborg from

4 23

これ いいね〜って言って小4息子から貰った。しかし、これはお面ではないということで、もしや自分の顔?で失敗作?本人納得いってない作品?かなと… パパはただパーカーの上に乗せて、取られないようにしたいだけだ(怒)と謙遜しておりますww に出てくるロボットに似てるから好きなのよっ

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