The picture I tried to draw today and couldn't get it done in time for my usual posting time was a picture of Marie dizzy with vertigo. But now that I have the answer from the formula, I'll come up with another picture...

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Vertigo used Skysurf: confirming rumors of his return with a nostalgic blast in his Raptor Ace gear for A red eye flight from the rafters plants the brawny green giant into the mat making a perfect posing pedestal. 😍art by

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The 500 comic book reading challenge. I started late (Feb. 12), but I can read 500 comic books before the end of the year, right?
Here are 53-56/500

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Vertigo. Inspired by the Hitchcock film. 🌀

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The trans UTAU of the day is Doctor Vertigo!

Doctor Vertigo is nonbinary (he/him). An Italian biochemist with questionable ethics and a coffee addiction. He may appear scary at first, but is actually pretty chill.

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I'm in the minority (now) I suppose but watching right after highlights the superiority of Rear Window. Vertigo, while it has many wonderful moments and Midge, of course, lacks both in story and scene narrative. Bit of a celluloid tumbleweed. For me.

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The year is 202X and I’m joining the”I-guess-I’ll-try-this” hype train at peak meh-ness.

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Is now available ~

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Sketch Challenge to draw Dead Boy Detectives

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ドキュメンタリー映画『眩暈 VERTIGO』

唐津のミニシアター にて、3/17.18.19の3日間映画上映後に監督らによる舞台挨拶が行われます👏👏



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Red Vertigo : 1988
『天使のはらわた 赤い眩暈』

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you know just when everything feels great, you overdue it and POW! vertigo this morning. I'll be taking it easy for a few days to get this under control.

You might see a mint from me, I was working on one for Womens Month.

Be well,

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