Dinocember Day 28 to 31
Well these will be my last draw for dinocember, sadly i couldnt make as much works as I would like, but there is always a next time.

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I wish you happy holidays and a happy new year ahead

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day to 18 to 23
Well nothing like a pacific day at the beach....just watch out for the jellyfish
pd: im finally feeling better, but my wisdom teeth are removed these week.....yei?

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Well mixing some characters with this dinocember day 16, and the moral of the story, don't slip into the popcorn row

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Day 6 Tanystropheus
Not a dinosaur but still a very intersting animal, a living rod; nature can be very imaginative.

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Day 4 Stand off
Tururu...gua gua gua.....
PD: Im a little sick so sorry if a fail some days of dinocember.

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Day 3 Therizinosaurus
Well one less, 28 to go, wish me luck.

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Day 2 Kosmoceraptos
Really i didnt know the name of these one, and im only one that things that his horns in the crest look like a hair style?

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Dino Worker 68......Customer service
Well, next week's comic will be uploaded since I don't know if I could later
I hope you like it

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Dino Worker 67......Time Flies
XD let's be honest, we always feel that time is not going well, is too slow or too fast
Hope you like it, have a nice day

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Well Thyra is one of the fan favorites, so im starting a desing a group of friends for her when carl is not present, i hope you like Siti the Spinosaurus

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Ladies and gentlemente, fossils and mummies
Thanks to The Nerd Palace Carl enters the battlefield!!
Has reach our world, have you ever want to work with Carl? now you can

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Ladies and gentlemente, fossils and mummies
Im so glad to announce that thanks to the great work of The nerd Palace
Has reach our world, have you ever want to work with Carl? now you can

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Lets be honest, most of people like cats.....until they start they noise s!"t

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Well in a few months I will have the removal of the wisdom teeth...Wish me lucl qwq

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In today society is very difficult to express without screw up....so just be careful

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Hehe well always think twice before takling something like these

Hope you like it, have a nice day

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Sorry for not uploading a dino worker last week but the work had me death xd
but at least working under the sun give me some ideas

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Well a friend challenge i would due a comic of carl of the bubble tea, but jokes for him
pd: how this got so popular?

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