画質 高画質

I love to design Cthulhu monsters and fantasy characters.

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It's again!!

I'm Rayleigh and I'm a freelance illustrator. I've worked on character design and illustrations, mainly anime style and fantasy

Always down to try new projects if my style piques your interest!! ^ ^

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I like to draw illustrations that seem to cut out a story or create a dark fantasy world!

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I am a Japanese illustrator who draws bright and fun fantasy character illustrations.
I would be very happy if you could enjoy my illustrations as much as possible!
【My art】

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fantasy themed (like rpg) and many coins
i love your bgs too much! (I rcognize the first one!)

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Kdj has had a favorite fantasy novel for many years, and he realized that his classmate resembles with the main character in the book.
So Kdj imagined the classmate's face while reading a book and slowly began to realize he has a crush on him

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Ackeem Child of Calamities. I have two vers; A mini series of an heroine origin story. Other is a much longer story that has her go on an otherworldly fantasy journey. Both are really emotionally heavy, a parent trying to protect their child 3/4

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Dark Haven 1st arc SIN is a character driven action fantasy story delving into concepts such as death, psychology & the cosmos. In which the cast have to fight off monsters in a lightless world 1/4

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I don't like the upscaling process, but I will try to improve it in time.🥺

I also have a Pixiv account, please check it out. 👇 https://t.co/1tVNIJuxCl

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