Quella che vedete e che sembra un quadro ad olio, è in realtà è una foto del centro della nostra galassia visto in onde radio! Le varie emissioni vengono da stelle morte, nuclei di stelle rimaste, nebulose in cui nascono altre, buchi neri e molto altro ancora.

22 234


잼동 킷스를 왬 (@ waemission)님께서 그려주셨습니다‼️‼️
동네사람들 얼른 봐주시길‼️‼️

이거봐 하복샤쓰야!! 짱이지??!!
혀 봐!!! 😘😘🤤🤤

126 261

In recent months, I’ve developed a solar allergy, it causes me to have Quincke's edema, unfortunately there is no treatment. But can be taken into remission. Very expensive treatment. But I try.I created a character who looks most like me and her red spots reflect this allergy.👀

7 57

Updates on 's cancer battle!!
"just heard from the doctors that theres no growths or spread in the areas of cancer they took out the treatments are keeping it under control 💙Getting closer and closer too remission"

Amazing news we're ecstatic 🍉❤️😊

6 19

Darn it Unity ya missed the emission mask on the dress!!! But the sparkles on the dress exist!!!

0 2

in thanksgiving for all the blessings
Thou hast ever bestowed upon me,
for the remission also of my sins,
and for the supply of all my defects and shortcomings.

5 21

APPARENTLY, VRM MTOON SUPPORTS AO MAPS AND I NEVER KNEW THIS BEFORE!!! But it makes me look good! I still have to finish the rest of the AO maps and then finalize the hair emission map before I plan on rigging this model (This isn't VSFAvatar or custom shader).

1 15

9月2日は の誕生日!

それなりの記念日としてオフを通してピーチちゃんと桃を消費し、自分だけの時間を過ごしたノア。 もうすぐルルと合流して彼女のためのサプライズ誕生日パーティーが行われ、タワーの中はにぎやかになりました。♪


0 5

Galaxy NGC 474: Shells and Star Streams
The multiple layers of emission appear strangely complex and unexpected given the relatively featureless appearance of the elliptical galaxy in less deep images.
Image Credit: CFHT, Coelum, MegaCam, J.-C. Cuillandre (CFHT) & G. A. Anselmi

77 430

Hi Picky, thanks for this opportunity to highlight talented artists.

I want to highlight for his multi-disciplinary magic, unique forms and endless emission of feelings and serene aesthetics

and for his intuitive paintings with sacred messages

1 4

Galaxy NGC 474: Shells and Star Streams
The multiple layers of emission appear strangely complex and unexpected given the relatively featureless appearance of the elliptical galaxy in less deep images.
Image Credit: CFHT, Coelum, MegaCam, J.-C. Cuillandre (CFHT) & G. A. Anselmi

72 401

A two-part officemission for !

Jackson gets a lot of flack for butting heads with the temps around the workplace.

Better his head than his hallway-filling gut, though.

12 74

Eating bugs fixes the climate crisis
Eating bugs fixes the emissions issue

5 7

It's the simplest way to lower our travel emissions.

10 47

Old Animation (was made in 2020) when boogieman is coming. PPG (c) Craig McCracken. DON'T POST WITHOUT MYPREMISSION. Warning at 0:10 scream, Hope you like it.

1 6

Today's cartoon is spot on with "the simplest way to lower our travel emissions"

37 145

“WOW! That’s literally the greatest story I’ve ever heard!”
Really love this scene 😂😂😂

7 25