第189回 ワンドロお題「フェアノール/Fëanor」「後悔」
Fëanor "No regret"

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“But Eönwë would not permit the slaying of the sons of Fëanor; and departing unfought they fled far away. Each of them took to himself a Silmaril.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by jongyiarts

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“But Eönwë answered that the right to the work of their father, which the sons of Fëanor formerly possessed, had now perished, because of their many and merciless deeds.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by dakkun39

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La famille de Finwë est très grande, vu qu'il avait 3 fils et 2 filles (qui elles n'auront pas d'enfants à notre connaissance).
- Fëanor a eu 7 fils
- Fingolfin a eu 3 fils et 1 fille
- Finarfin a eu 3 fils et 1 fille aussi (vous la connaissez, Galadriel)

Artiste: ChoiStar

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Alors Maedhros est un des personnages principaux du Silmarillion de Tolkien.

C'est un Elfe.
Un Elda (ceux qui ont vu la lumière des Arbres).
Un Noldo.

Fils de Fëanor et Nerdanel.

Artiste: ChoiStar

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Creo que no hay ser humano capaz de dibujar a Fëanor como lo hace ElfinFen, es que ???? Me explicáis esta perfección absoluta de cara

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Bonjour! Voilà ma participation ^^ (Capushincha - Cape Hétale - Quatre Feuilles - Fëanor)

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"For Fëanor was driven by the fire of his own heart only, working ever swiftly and alone; and he asked the aid and sought the counsel of none that dwelt in Aman, great or small, save only and for a little while of Nerdanel the wise, his wife." THE SILMARILLION, J.R.R.

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In the northern fortress, Finwë proved a vulnerable target for Melkor, who stormed Formenos' iron vaults and Fëanor's prize.

Melkor slew Finwë and stole away with the Silmarils, aided by the Unlight of Ungoliant.

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Tulkas, who among the Valar welcomed conflict with Melkor, sought to persuade Fëanor to surrender the Silmarils.

Wisely he saw that Melkor's corruption of Fëanor came from a desire to possess the last remaining light of the Two Trees.

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 7 - Fëanor and Nerdanel - “Reunion”
Yeah I finally finished it on time!!! I’d love to draw Fëanor with short hair

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Fëanorian Week
Day 6: Ambarussa
This two kinda make me think of Pippin and Merry or Elladan and Elrohir ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 6 - Ambarussa( Amrod and Amrad) - "Twin"

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 5 - Curufin and young Celebrimbor
"Your face is so dirty, Tyelpe."

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr

Day 4 - Caranthir - “The Dark”

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