"So you know how there's winter weight? Well, I think I've put on some summer weight cuz I've never felt so fat in my life..."

8 63

"Mmmrrrrrrpph... Nothing like a late night snack to fight the cravings..."

21 155

"Bucho Mio... Just how much is this gonna fatten me up?"

3 35


Welp, since I've got no new art to celebrate the occasion, here's an obligatory repost of Ester...

6 42

Don't know if I'll stay up to make a new pic, but I wanna celebrate my hype for Shin Evangelion coming to Amazon by showing off my EVA OC, Kotaru!

4 24

"Hey, dumplings! It's and you know what that means, right?! Time to feed me or you're gonna be added to this ball of meat!"

8 68

"So Adachi... does this outfit make me look fat? I wanna make a good impression for my family..."

Two variations of Daigo Fujimoto's vacation outfit... which has seen better days. Which one do y'all like better?

14 100

Who wouldn't mind me turning his pink sweater into his default outfit?

20 102

I've got Daigo (my name for my old Yakuza boss) on my mind, so give me some headcanons.

1 35

Looks like this old Yakuza boss is packed tight from yet another hefty meal. Anyone wanna cool him off? He looks like he's on the verge of a heart attack...😧

24 134

An new OC based on a random anime NPC! No name yet, but he's an old Yakuza boss who's got a gluttonous appetite and tends to purposefully overeat since he gets off on that...

8 65

"Umm, guys... I think somethings wrong with my tummy. It's all squirmy and it feels like something's squeezing me inside..."

Looks like Honoumizuko is having some tummy troubles. Who wants to help him out?

8 46

"So many burgers... So much pizza... And all that cake... Just another

9 55

"So what's on the menu this morning? Even though I'm so full and fat, I'm starving..."

4 54

*munching on Atlas' breakfast sausage bombs*
"Ugh... I feel so full and fat... I think I might actually explode if this keeps up. Or maybe I already did and I'm just getting heavier and denser... Bucho Mio, I'm so fat..."

3 54

I like to think that Diablo's gut is as soft and jiggly as Bebop's here...

8 54

I like to think that despite his size, Mapocha is a borderline Prime Hekkachonk. He hasn't reached the point where his jelly bubbles and churns as his weight skyrockets and compacts, like Atlas and Kodai.

4 41