"Look, I know I've put on a few pounds since I've stopped being The Dark Lord, but surely I'm not THAT big!"

One more pic of Cobalt for the road, mostly to try and get used to his design...

21 87


Tatsugami: I've been putting on a lot of weight. I really am starting to look like a dragon ball...

Futoru: Nah, if you want a dragon ball, meet my husband!

Ryunosuke: FUTORU, I SWEAR TO GOD...

10 60

It's and I have Big Bomb Belly Bumi on the brain. Maybe it's about time for a new pic of the guy...

33 214

Day 17: Nurse
lol idk sexy nurse outfits are funny and also I need to draw more buny

10 42

"Ooooh... Sounds like a perfect day to feast on some butterscotch pudding!"

1 34

Cyborg!Zeke: Do I have to do this? I ain't even technically fat!
Human!Zeke: Hey, if ya got it, flaunt it! Besides, it looks good on you!
Cyborg!Zeke: Are you serious?! Don't tell me I grow to love this gut!
Human!Zeke: You'll get used to it, trust me!

4 20

Whereas Goliath & Mapocha bounce, Kodai crashes. I'll let you be the judge of what that means...

7 65

"Hurry up... *BUUURRP* and look into my... *URP HIC* orb! This is incredibly embarrassing..."

Felt like doodling a fat wizard letting you gaze into his (bl)orb. Also yes, his burps form magic dust!

Special Thanks to for the inspiration...

67 345

I couldn't help but notice that in the few pics following his post-birthday pic (the first one shown), the sliver of belly peeking out has remained consistent.

15 67

I just realized... I never solidified where Odin's Zephyr Crystal is on his body! Where do y'all think would be a good place?

And you can't say his belly because he canonically is barebellied...

6 77

You get to date this handsome chubby demon for a day! What do you do and how do you spend the day?

10 91

"Bucho Mio, I feel like a water balloon. I don't even know if all of that has digested into jelly and fat..."

10 101

I've been in a mood for Kodai's big fat jelly dough ball of a belly. Perhaps it's time for a new pic of our favorite Extra Soft Solider...

19 98

I can't decide if this would be the perfect picnic for either Kodai or Shogouki...

4 35

Had Chubbydorf on my mind lately. So have some Chubbydorf spam this

12 66

Kodai: Bucho Mio, I'm so full and fat... I can't eat another bite...

Kodai, 30 minutes later: More... More burgers... Oh God, I'm so hungry...

12 74

Happy Flat Fuck Friday, although they might be stretching that definition...

6 54

Who wouldn't mind me turning his pink sweater into his default outfit?

20 102