画質 高画質

HI! I'm Techy and I am a Merch Artist/Illustrator and Vtuber! I love to design fantastical and unique merch concepts. I put a lot of love and care into everything I make!💜
Currently I am working on some original IP for a summer launch! Hope you like my work

33 234

Super cute high quality Beanz plushie, great job I am in love ❤️
The community has been delivering amazing IP products, from “Neon Garden” to “Zero” manga, super bullish on the Azuki community 🔥⛩️

7 46

REPHA is my 90s and early 2000s inspired IP about giant militarized Ethiopian Demi gods

937 7254

SMBrandMarketing & team up to launch PFP NFT projects with K-POP artists' portraits. They'll use SuperNormal's artwork & build a Play2Create ecosystem with a creation platform. SuperNormal has a $100M trading volume on OpenSea. SM has IP & fandom business know-how

8 23


Crypto Ninja Worldのパートナー来たーー❣️

7 79

Nice argument, unfortunately I have your IP address

25 141

\\ ✨#CLOSEPA NFT情報_3/28✨//

FP 0.128→0.127
MIYAKOの漫画化ストーリーも日々進んでいます。IPビジネス基点だけではなくMIYAKOのイラストが気になる方も是非一枚。 https://t.co/GDywXS8dsf

5 6

✍🏻 안전가옥 기획 작가 모집 🖥️

안전가옥에서 기획개발 중인 원안 IP에
신선한 아이디어를 더해
장르적 쾌감이 폭발하는 이야기를
함께 만들어갈 기획 작가를 찾습니다!


30 27


I'm Monica, a graphic designer who has worked on just about every character and IP under the sun.

I love cartoons, ducks and all things nostalgic!

77 261

邦彦_7070様( )へ!

4 45

I just realized my 1/1 cub Lil Starla is the most valuable ip. ultimately we need mass adoption. Thats the goal for all projects. Lil Starla has the greatest appeal as a toy to little girls, liberal parent's boys, feminists, the Alphabet Mafia and society because… https://t.co/FoVjCLcEnd

24 120

The Hero's Dose?

Inspired by my ip, and a recent journey I recently undertook during the last Full Moon.

11 40

Welcome to the club Wear that horn and get into Yakuza's Legion chat and learn how to utilize your IP rights with the Mutants. Let's go.🚀🎉🔥💎🚀🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀

4 8

単刀直入に『"IPで住所までわかる"と思っている』ところ🤣( ^∀^)ゲラゲラw

周知の通り"IPでわかるのは基地局まで"で、これ以上わかれば【#犯罪行為】で捕まるよ😏( ≖ᴗ≖​)ニヤw


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