Давно я тут ничего не выкладывала, прошу меня за это простить

Стадик с Джозефом

v#identity v fanart#identity v art#identity#josephjoestar#identity v photographer#идентити

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(2) Did a "silhouette drawings" with

's drawing➡️Sillhouette➡️My drawing

11 52

Decided to draw my favorite characters in a poster-like style. Here is

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Joseph in Peanuts style :) I do Peanuts Jojo crossover things when I'm stuck with the other pictures - I will post the whole picture later in the week :)

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I decided to do a matching piece for the Caesar artwork I did a while ago. What's better than one pretty boy? Two of them, of course! 💕💕💕

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can't believe I forgot to post him!! anyways here you go
Tequila Joseph <3

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