Lol Polnareff is a “paw patrol is kinda mid” type of guy

9 79

Post two of your favourite characters then @ 4 to do the same

To give them a bit of love, going to give two of a similar pallette the lime light as I love them too bits.

Lin Chung from Hero 108 and Jean Pierre Polnareff

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La maldición de Polnareff, siempre que está en las escaleras, arriba o abajo hay un loco con un poder relacionado al tiempo.

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10 - IF your answer to question 9 is "When something stops being part of his body then it doesn't phase through anything", then what if he threw a spear at Polnareff in skipped time? Would Polnareff get stabbed?

0 35

9 - Diavolo sprays his blood into Polnareff's eyes. Usually when Diavolo's body interacts with skipped time, he phases through it like a ghost (Seen above), but here blood clearly lands on Polnareff in impact splats, not phasing through Polnareff at all. How is this possible?

0 35

❗CHALLENGE❗ draw anatomy studies without turning them into ur faves. difficulty? impossible

2 15

A dumb meme redraw of Vanilla Ice and Polnareff haha

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Abbacchio pushed Polnareff down the stairs

3 18

Arataki Itto dressed as Polnareff

3 15

Yo creo que este pibe de aca , lo ve coml lit un narancia fusionado con polnareff nmms

2 2 não mereço a alcunha de maior fã ms sou obcecada por Star Dust cruzaders e muito Stan do Polnareff; algumas das muitas fanart de jojo que fiz nos últimos 2 anos e minha festa de 30 anos aí ! Vou ler com calma o form conheço pouca gente

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Polnareff blew up Egypt!

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